Investment Rules & Regulations for the Investors

Investment Rules & Regulations for the Investors Stock Market is the risky beat, however we are investing hard money in to the Stock Market. While Investing money in to the Stock Market one need to Cautious about Investment Rules & Regulations. Most Billionaire Investor's has been followed Strict rules and regulations while Stock Market Investment. Investment rules and Regulations create one unique Investment method, which will be beneficial for Long-term. Ideal Rules & Regulations I would recommend everyone to just follow below rules while investing in shares which I recommend:- 1) Buy shares only in cash. Whatever money u have just buy with that... Do not buy shares in futures and options... In case u buy them in futures and options, risk will be urs.. 2) I personally do not put any stop loss in shares which I recommend but at the same time I keep comfort of holding shares for 3-4 months. U should have the same mindset.. there should not be hurry of withdrawing mone...